I have recently received lots of questions regarding vegan options as far as protein powders. We also have clients with bodybuilding goals that also happen to be vegan or vegetarian. Traditionally, there were not a lot of good sources of protein for muscle recovery if you did not consume meat or whey protein. You were not going to sit and eat 10 servings of broccoli or six servings of legumes. Veggie burgers became very popular as an alternative. Even for a while, I consumed them on a regular basis, during…
We have been researching and trying several different plant based protein powder options within the past couple of weeks. Even though Whey Protein is one of the best proteins for your post workout, unfortunately a lot of people's stomachs cannot tolerate it because they may not be able to handle dairy. I personally can only handle a small amount. While I can consume whey protein after my workout, I have to switch to plant based proteins throughout the rest of the day. One of the first ones we came across…