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14 Sep 2014

Summer is here and hopefully your children are involved in a plethora of physical activities from organized sports, to swimming lessons, or just playing around the neighborhood with friends. These activities are all great ways to keep you children active over the summer and ensure that they are getting the exercise they need. With that being said, an important aspect of physical activity is making sure your children are properly hydrated and well nourished. Like adults, children’s bodies are significantly water based, as humans our bodies are anywhere from 50%…

13 Jun 2014

Spring is here and summer is right around the corner! With that being said, the spring and summer months are a great time to be active as a family! School will soon be out and summer vacation will kick into high gear, don’t just use this time to take your children to amusement parks, grandma’s house, or to see the Great Wall of China, use this time to be active with your children. Spring and summer are the perfect times for this, why?  School is out, the weather is great,…

07 Apr 2014

As a child, I loved to play outside.  I wasn’t concerned with the weather or time of day, just playing. However, since my days as an adolescent (not to sound too old) many things have changed. Current technology like; iPads, iPhones, Playstations, and computers have become a distraction to children, dominating a child’s free time. The average child spends more time playing virtual video games compared with playing games outside, where actual physical activity is required. The world we live in is also a much different place, compared to a…
