11 Dec 2024

Let’s take a journey back to your childhood! Every time my parents got Fruity Pebbles cereal; it was an exciting time to eat breakfast! And the Flintstones were an awesome part of growing up too!

Unfortunately, I haven’t indulged in Fruity Pebbles in years! There is way too much sugar in them, just like in almost every other cereal! Don’t even get me started on the serving sizes. The serving sizes maybe would fill up my 9-year-old niece, but not most living, breathing adults!

I was super excited when Dymatize released Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles flavored protein powders. I was already a fan of their other flavors. So, I had high hopes!

Dymatize delivers on this protein.  It tastes great on its own with water or any kind of milk.  In addition, I love mixing it in with my morning oatmeal and some berries!
Here are some specifics:

  • It is scientifically formulated with fast-digesting hydrolyzed whey protein isolate. If your goal is gaining muscle size and strength, this protein will assist you in your goals! (I refuse to consume whey concentrate because it bothers my stomach).
  • 25 grams of protein, which includes 5.5 grams of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), & 2.6 grams of Leucine per serving. Leucine is an essential amino acid that is critical for protein synthesis and muscle repair. It is the most abundant essential amino acid in muscle, where it promotes muscle growth and repair by assisting in protein synthesis.
  • 1 gram of fat and less than 1 gram of sugar per serving.  Great for weight loss, maintenance, or weight gain goals.

Here are the pros:

  • It has great taste.  You do not taste much in the way of a protein aftertaste.
  • It reflects the flavor of Fruity Pebbles pretty well.  Not exact, but go in with that expectation
  • Easy to mix.  If you’re still using clumpy protein in 2024, you should’ve stopped 20 years ago!
  • Not super expensive.  You can typically find it from $28-$35 for 20 servings of 25 grams of protein.
  • Widely available


Here are a few cons:

  • Artificial dyes and colors – as you know, there is a ton of controversy with them.  I typically try to avoid them.
  • Can be a little too sweet for some people.  While there is very little sugar, the combination of sucralose and stevia makes it pretty sweet.  I like the taste, but I can see where some people would not.


Overall, I would rate this a 9 out of 10!  Dymatize Iso 100 Fruity Pebbles is one of my go-to protein powders.  I enjoy a tub maybe every 3 months in my rotation of protein powders!

Buy it here today and start making your health journey delicious!

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