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16 Apr 2021

[spacer height="20px"] Featured image. Alt-text: A baby eating red apples. [spacer height="20px"] Sometimes, it seems impossible for parents not to end up in a worn-out surrender to their child's unhealthy food preferences. Bright colors, clever marketing messages, toy tie-ins, eye-catching aisles of sweets, addictively delicious flavors of salt, fat, and sugar… When every existing marketing vehicle is created to make kids pester for a junk snack, how, in the world, could you possibly get them to eat something green? If teaching your kids to eat healthy ranks high on your…

18 Feb 2021

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16 Jan 2021

  Hello readers. Once again I'm coming to you with another article on my constant battle with eczema with my energetic daughter Jenna!   So the thing is...I'm under the impression that eczema flare ups are affected by the weather more intensely than I anticipated. As you all know, I do have a skin care method I use for my daughter that has served me well in the past, however I've noticed that with the change from warm temperature to cold, her skin is now beginning to need extra care. …

23 Apr 2020

      by Jennice Spence March 22, 2020     Well, it officially happened. We are under a lock down. Schools and daycare centers are closed and all non essential personnel are working from home if they are able. The Coronavirus (COVID 19) strand has shut down the world, mostly China and Europe at first but now is affecting the United States. This is scary not because of how many cases are known in America, but the unknown symptoms and threat it has on various people in our community.…

09 Jan 2020

  Live Healthy One day at a Time     by Jennice H. Spence, Jan. 1st 2020 Hello again, and welcome to the new year. 2019 presented plenty of challenges and obstacles that have made my family and I stronger than ever.   This past year my family and I have been able to do so much more physically since Jenna's first birthday. Her independence has allowed Isaac and I to travel, go on more dates and keep with a strict To Do list. However, in the midst of everything…..we…

30 Dec 2018

Hello, everyone. So far we have embarked on the importance of sleep and some dietary plans, but now I would like to go further into our health journey and discuss exercise. Yes, one thing we know we all need, but dread to make a priority.   I've learned throughout the years that establishing a good workout routine can jumpstart other good habits in life. And while providing for a little one there's no better motivation. I mean we all want to see our children be healthy and have a great…

17 Feb 2017

Good evening everyone! In between the last time we talked, I made a video on how to make gluten-free pizza you can check it out on the CASS Fitness Facebook page. Now some of you left me comments about my gluten-free bread article. Some of you said Isaac, you're not being fair to gluten-free bread. It's not that bad. You might not know how to prepare it.   So in light of these comments, I tried gluten-free bread again. It was still disgusting! So people please spare me your alternative…

13 Apr 2016

We are proud to announce our new one hour nutritional consultation option. In this one hour consultation, you will get a full breakdown of how to count calories and track macro nutrients. You will learn how to calculate your resting metabolism rate (RMR) and your lean body weight (LBW). Another thing you will learn is why carbs and proteins are represented it by the number 4 and why fats are represented by the number nine. You will see how that plays into your daily nutritional intake. We also will answer…

12 Jan 2015

2014 is wrapping up and hopefully your year was full of fun and physical activity had by everyone in your family. I hope this year brought you closer to the realization, if you weren’t already aware of it, that physical activity is not just an activity you do sporadically, but a life-style that even the youngest members of your family should be participating in and can benefit a great deal from. Please check out my previous posts to read more about those benefits if you haven’t done so already! Usually…

08 Oct 2014

Well, fall is here and summer is now just an awesome memory. If you’re like me you’re wondering where summer went and why it always has to leave so abruptly! Lucky for us the fall season is just as awesome and rewarding as the summer. Children are back in school, which may not make them very happy, nit I’m sure parents everywhere are rejoicing. Another aspect which makes the fall an amazing and rewarding time of year are all the organized sports that not only can be viewed on television,…
