20 Jun 2014

I’m fat…. Let that sink in for a second.  It’s true I joke about it, but in reality I am, and it’s very unhealthy.  I’m 31 years old and I’m fat. I have no one to blame but myself.  I let myself get this way and I was ok with it.  I used to be an active person playing basketball and football regularly, and then one day I just stopped.  I would love to blame it on depression and a bad break up, but that was just the catalyst and it continued on for about 9 years. At my heaviest, I was close to 350 lbs and as of January this year, I was 301 lbs.
Then something amazing happened. I was working at Kalahari Resorts in Ohio as a bellman and I was having some difficulty at time with tasks.  Sometimes, I had shortness of breath while taking guests to rooms and unloading their luggage. I knew this girl that worked there and we were friends on Facebook.  She was always talking about healthy eating and living among other things.  My dude Matt talked about the same thing. So I asked her about it and she talked to me, then I was like, “Ok I’ll look into it.”

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I’ve never been an exercise person, lol.  I hated it because I hate to sweat.  Then I was walking to my job at Burger King and a gym is right next to it, go figure!   They were running a special for a 14 day free trial and if you signed up before a certain date, you get a special introductory rate. So the next day, I signed up for the free trial and within a week, I signed up for a membership.  So for the first time in my life, I became a member of a gym, which was something I vowed I would never do after a bad experience I had one day at a gym in Florida.

Now I know that going to the gym and exercising wasn’t the only thing you have to do get healthy.  It also takes changing your eating habits, which for a man who eats a large pizza by himself, is hard to do, but I was determined to get healthy and lose weight. I personally believe that diets don’t always work nor do you need to do them. All you really need is proper exercise and healthy eating, not a diet because as long as you eat right and maintain healthy portions you’ll be fine.  So with various tools at my disposal, the Internet and friends that are health and fitness nuts, I am in the 6th month of my journey and I am sitting at 273lbs…..
This is my journey…….  I will have ups and downs but I WILL maintain this journey……

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