17 Dec 2013

If you want big arms and some definition to go with the size, this is the workout for you! This is a workout I personally used last night. I put together this workout as I have personal goals in lean muscle mass. It is a tough combination of bodyweight exercises and free weights for the most part, except for the cable triceps exercise with the rope.
After my warm up, which consisted of foam rolling, active isolated stretching, mountain climbers, and jumping jacks, I began the first exercise, which is the regular bicep curl. I started off with a warm up set of 15 reps on each arm with 25 pound dumbbells. Then, I advanced to 40 pounds and 50 pounds as you see in this chart. Let me emphasize keeping your upper body straight, keeping your core engaged, and allowing yourself a slow eccentric descent back to your starting position for maximal strength benefit and to help prevent injury to yourself. After each set of curls, I went right into shoulder shrugs, then set the weights down and went right into seated dips (utilizing the bench beside me). I took a one minute break and did the whole superset three more times.
Next, I went over to the pull up bar and did 100 chin ups. I of course broke them down into sets, since I am not super human and able to do 100 chin ups in one set. The reason I chose chin ups, was because I was keeping my focus on working the bicep muscles. As a superset, when I got done with a set of chin ups, I immediately went to do a set of the cable tricep rope extensions. This allowed my biceps and upper back to rest while I was still working out, so I only took a 30 second break between the end of the tricep rope extensions and the beginning of the next round of chin ups. I did this eight times until I finished my 100 reps on the pull up bar. You can see the reps I performed on the chart below.

Next, I performed three sets of hammer curls with a one minute break in between each set. I could barely do 10 reps of 40 pounds for the hammer curl just three months ago. Now, I’m starting out with 15 reps on 50 pounds. I heavily concentrated on chins ups and pull ups to get me to that next level along while continuing to lift heavier weight with my upper back, mid back, and my biceps.
Next, I did a superset of Lying Dumbbell Skull Crushers and Close Grip Dumbbell Chest press. Remember to keep your elbows close to your head when you are doing the Skull Crushers.
Last, as far as resistance training, I did a superset of Front Shoulder Raises and Reverse Curls. I did a front shoulder raise with each arm, then I did a reverse curl with both arms. I repeated that pattern for ten reps. For my last set, I did two reverse curls for every one rep of front shoulder raises, making it a total of 10 front shoulder raises on each arm and 20 reverse curls with both arms at the same time.
I did not do cardio in this workout, because I ran a few miles earlier in the day. I went to abs and core next. I did 300 reps of different exercises while I was listening to the football game Sunday night on my off day, so I did not do too much in the way of ab work. However, I wanted to work on planks, so I did two sets of planks for three minutes each and a set of “Six inches” for two minutes. “Six Inches” are where you lay down on your back and hold your legs six inches off the ground. You want to keep your legs straight in those torturous two minutes of fun. Then, I finished off with those Fifer Scissors exercises from the Ab Ripper X DVD of P90x. Then, I did a cool down with proper static stretching and foam rolling, and called it a day!
Matt's Workout 12-16-13 pic

One thought on “CASS Fitness Arm Blasting Strength Training Workout! – 12-16-13

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