Live Healthy one Day at A Time
It’s been a few weeks and a lot has happened. Isaac has a new government job and on new medication for his eczema. Jenna celebrated her 1st birthday with family and friends and has gained her weight nicely at 20lbs! I am now the director of the Kid’s Club in Sterling VA and life is good for the most part. We are looking for a new apartment complex, and with all the changes, eating right and exercise have been difficult to maintain, but in the last 2 weeks or so we have managed to pull it off with basic time management skills.
In this article I wanted to take a break from just skin care updates, and express how deeply important it is to keep you mental clarity intact. Without this, reaching your health and wellness goals along with everything else in life would be impossible to achieve.
As I get older, the more I realize I need a written plan. Staying organized is vital to the success of a healthy human. We The Spence Family are now working on a drafted daily, weekly and may even include a monthly routine to keep ourselves organized and on track with our health and mental goals. I’ll just go into details about the daily routine to give you a glimpse of the lifestyle I am trying to achieve. Please note my husband also has a routine of his own that embodies all of his goals for his life.
6 am Wake up, Skin Care, Hair treatment and oral care (this includes any of the diy all natural remedies I use to keep myself healthy.
7 am Make the Baby bag for Jenna- 2 milk bottles 4 pouches of fruit, oatmeal , 2 changes of outfits, 2 baby cloth, her comb and hair conditioner, and her skin ointment. Diapers and Wipes are already in the car.
8am – Take Jenna to the Day Care and Do some To Do List Planning Specific for the day.
9 am – Work out for about an hour. (Classes Advised)
10 am – 2pm Work/ Lunch, Oil Jenna and Jenna’s 1pm nap.
2 pm- Pick up Isaac- Commute home work on Articles
4 pm- Jenna’s Educational Time
5 pm- Clean and sanitize the house, one task from the To Do List, and Financial Planning.
7 pm- Dinner Time and Family Phone Time- This is the time we will call our family and friends to catch up and to maintain our personal relationships.
8pm – Jenna’s Bath, Last bottle and winding down for bed
10am- Scripture reading, Prayer, and Bedtime for parents.
This has been so wonderful for us as a new couple. It keeps us organized and more motivated to reach our health goals as we do things more consistently and see results. If you have problems with follow thru and procrastination, this has really improved our likelihood of completing a task on time or developing good habits.
Anyway, just wanted to give you guys a sneak peek at my life and see how I try to fit it all in. Of course I did not include our weekly and monthly routine, but ask me about that in the comments and I’d be glad to let you know.
Remember to Live Healthy One Day at A Time ….