If you have recently turned over a new leaf, you may have resolved, as many do, to eat right, exercise and generally take better care of yourself. Many experiences can trigger this resolve: weight gain, onset of illness, or mental health concerns like depression or addiction are just a few.
Whatever your reason, congratulations on deciding to get fit! Now you will want to consider how to balance a fitness routine with the rest of your self-care regimen. Read on for tips on how to do that.
Make exercise organic to your day
Many people find it difficult to incorporate exercise into their days. Sometimes busy schedules can get in the way, but for many people, exercise is just not fun. If that’s the case, any reason not to do it can seem good enough. That’s why it’s so important to find an exercise that’s not a drag.
For some people, it will be a group exercise class. If you find a class with a nice, caring teacher and other students who make good conversation, you might find yourself really looking forward to exercising. Exercise can be a part of your social life, and that’s a strong motivator.
Another fun way to fit exercise into your day is to do it with your pet. If you have a dog, chances are, he or she loves to be walked. Walking with your pet is good for you both, since it keeps you healthy and builds the bond between pet and owner. You can even exercise with your cat! Do some dance steps while you are fanning the feather or letting her catch the toy on a string.
Blend exercise and mindfulness
Much has been said and written about mindfulness, especially as it is becoming more of a trend. Simply put, mindfulness is really just the art of living in the moment, being aware of where you are, and paying attention to your thoughts, breathing, and surroundings. Mindfulness can help you avoid getting caught up in cycles of negativity or obsession. It encourages us to move on from the pain of the past, enjoy the present, and let go of anger and resentment.
One beautiful thing about mindfulness is that it can easily be incorporated into a fitness routine. Yoga, an age-old form of the practice, blends meditation with movement. So do some of the martial arts, like yo-chi. Because of the mind/body connection, exercise may make mindfulness easier and vice versa.
But you don’t have to take a class to do this. You can be mindful while walking to work or around your neighborhood. You can be mindful while lifting weights, jogging, or swimming. You can even do it right from the comfort of your own home. For the best results, declutter, decorate, and dedicate a corner or spare room in your home to practicing your mindfulness each and every day.
Adopt a diet that supports your fitness
While you are discovering the joys of organic exercise and mindfulness, it’s important to eat a diet that supports your new lifestyle. For example, if you are exercising several hours a week, you will need good carbohydrates. Good carbs come from fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains.
If you never learned to cook, it really isn’t that hard to learn. You can take a cooking class or learn techniques online. Some people learn to cook just from watching a friend or family member doing it. Others learn from following the directions in the cookbook.
In conclusion, changing your life is an exciting challenge. You will want to adopt an exercise schedule, commit to self-care via mindfulness, and incorporate a diet that supports your whole health. Whether you’re just trying to lose a few pounds or you have a more serious concern, set goals and stick to the plan. In the end, you will profit from your persistence.
Photo courtesy of Pixabay.