Over the next few weeks, I will show you how I shake up cardio and utilize it as a fat loss and strength training combination. I lift weights four to five times a week, and I work out five to six times a week. Usually Tuesdays are a good cardio day for me. Mondays have recently consisted of supersets with biceps and triceps often taking no breaks except to go to my next group of exercises. I finish off with running speed work mainly outdoors when the weather is nice. I usually run 1/4 mile to 1 mile intervals, then I go back to the gym and work on my grip strength, which has long been a weak point for me. Wednesdays have recently been chest work, which has been a mix between heavy dumbbell and barbell work and some bodyweight exercises. Thursdays are posterior chain leg day and back day. Therefore Tuesdays are a perfect indoor cardio day, so I am fully recovered to power through my Thursday workouts.
I will cut to the chase and give you routine for this past Tuesday.
• Foam Roller, Orb Ball, Lacrosse Ball self-myofascial release – 3 minutes
• Hamstring, Hip Flexor, Quad, Calves, Shoulders, Lower Back dynamic stretches – 6-8 stretches with a 3 second hold on each side for each muscle
• 1 set of 20 Floor Bridges
• 1 set of 15 Cat/Camels
• 20 seconds of regular Plank, 20 seconds of Side Plank on each side
• 3 Minute jog
• 10 leg front to back and 10 side to side leg swings on each leg
• 1 set of 20 bodyweight squats
• 1 set of 10 bodyweight lunges on each side
The Cardio Routine:
• 5 minutes of High Knees/Mountain Climbers
• 30 seconds of High Knees and 30 seconds of Mountain Climbers with no rest
• 1:30 rest to set up the stepper for my quick runs and box jumps
• Four 1 minute run intervals up and down the stepper as fast as I can with 30 second breaks in between each interval.
• 1:30 rest to add steps for my jumps
I begin Box Jumps with five steps on each side, and I take 30 seconds of rest in between each set.
• 1 set of 30 forward hop ups
• 3 sets of 30 forward jumps
• 2 sets of 30 lateral jumps
Next, I take a quick page out of a typical HIIT routine I would teach:
4:00 Tabata of Squat Jumps
20 seconds of Squat Jump with a 10 second rest – 8 sets
Then, I go to my favorite new workout, the Battle Ropes.
I will complete 12 minutes of Battle Ropes (30 seconds rest in between each set)
• Two 1 minute rounds of 2 arm wave as fast as I can
• 45 seconds of Lunge Jump + 2 arm wave
• Two 1 minute rounds of alternating waves with a squat hold as fast as I can
• 45 second round of 2 arm wave with a jump every five waves
• 30 second round of alternating waves with a squat hold as fast as I can
• 30 second round of 2 arm slam as hard as I can
• 30 second round of hip toss
Last, I complete 10 minutes of the Stairmaster at Level 11 (Approx. 83-86 steps per minute)
(Remember to try to minimize your time holding onto the handles, do not slump as that is bad for your back)
Time flew by quickly but I felt great and exhausted at the same time. I tried many different things to keep the workout exciting and to gain muscular endurance in my full body. Try this workout yourself and let me know what you think. You can modify exercises like Squat Jumps and the Battle Rope Lunge Jumps. You can do bodyweight Squats and do regular Lunges with the Battle Ropes.
You should cool down after your workout. Check out this article on dynamic vs. static stretching for more information! https://healthybutsmart.com/dynamic-vs-static-stretching/
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