Any activity and any type of workout can result in a sporting injury. Professionals are especially at risk because their body goes through excessive wear and tear unique to their sport of choice and triggered by strict competitive training sessions and matches. However, don’t think you’re in the clear just because you’re a recreational athlete! If you happen to end up with an injury, don’t worry, though. Rehabilitation came a long way and you can expect to resume your athletic activities in no time if you follow these sports injury rehabilitation tips.
Any injury of the musculoskeletal system (bones, tissues, muscles and cartilage) obtained during a sporting activity or caused by excessive wear and tear due sports is by definition a sports injury. However, while the definition is simple, every injury is different and every person handles it and heals from it differently. The purpose of rehabilitation is to improve injury recovery and to do so in a controlled, supervised yet effective manner. While there are many tips you can follow, keep in mind that every person is different and what works for one athlete doesn’t have to work for you.
The R.I.C.E. protocol is your first line of injury treatment—Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate. This is especially effective right after the injury occurs while the swelling and strong pain exist. The idea behind R.I.C.E. is to handle inflammation and boost the healing process. So, as soon as you notice any injury signs, make sure to employ this effective protocol.
The best way to recover from your injury is to find a professional who can assess your injury, check out your range of motions and get you back on your feet with an appropriate program suitable for your injury and your sport. Specially trained experts can treat everything from sporting injuries to post-op rehabilitation. If you find a specialized Castle Hill physio clinic you can even get pre-season sport assessment with your top-notch rehabilitation care that will ensure you get into your new season healthy and safe.
You can expect your therapist to use techniques like physiotherapy (healing through movement and exercise), massage, matwork, stretching exercises and balance exercises. When combined into one completely customized and personalized program, you will surely feel betterment and even learn a lot of new things that will help you avoid future injury.
Medication is not necessary but it can help greatly when it comes to treating injured athletes, both for healing and pain relief. However, if you get any prescription medication, make sure to use it properly with regards to the risks and unwanted side effects. Some medication can play a very important role in rehabilitation since they can decrease pain and edema and allow exercise rehabilitation to proceed.
Adjusting your diet can also help with your injury recovery. For instance, experts recommend eating more antioxidant-rich foods that will help with inflammation reduction. Basically, try to fill your plate with darkly-colored fruits and veggies or you can make practical fruit-veggie juices. There are also antioxidant-rich supplements on the market that can help you achieve your goal diet if you can’t get your antioxidants from diet. Protein is also crucial since protein builds many tissues in your body (muscles included). Staying hydrated is also very important.
People who take sports seriously are naturals when it comes to setting goals. They are great at tracking data, monitoring reps and times and adjusting their habits to achieve desired results. So, it’s crucial to keep your tendency to push yourself even after you sustain an injury. In order to track your rehabilitation progress and keep going forward, set S.M.A.R.T. goals—Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound. This will help keep you on the right track and give you motivation.
Also, don’t underestimate your mind and try practising visualization. When you visualize an action, the same part of the brain that actually performs the action gets stimulated. So, if you’re recovering from a shoulder injury, imagine yourself hitting your best homerun, it will help your performance.
Sometimes, getting injured can be deadly to your career. However, if you start your rehabilitation quickly and work with the right experts, you can expect to be back in the competition in no time. Keep working towards your recovery and stay motivated and you might feel better than ever before.