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15 Jan 2014

Here is one of the most functional exercises in the entire fitness world! The pull-up is a great workout for your upper back, biceps, core, and shoulders. It is more effective than the lat pulldown exercise, which although it is great for the upper back, it does not give you a full body workout as effectively. Plus, pull-ups can be difficult. There are plenty of people who can bench press 350 pounds in the gym. While that feat is awesome, ask how many guys in the gym can do 25…

12 Jan 2014

Almost every guy wants larger arms. We at Cass Fitness have noticed something in our years of working out at various gyms across the United States...not too many people perform reverse bicep curls. If somebody wants more forearm strength, better grip, increased activiation and size for their Brachialis and Brachioradius muscles, then reverse curls are an exercise that should not be neglected.     To perform a standing dumbbell reverse curl, hold the dumbbells with a pronated (overhand) grip instead of the typical underhand grip. You will definitely use less…

08 Jan 2014

It is cold it is REALLY cold outside, well for everyone besides our readers in the Southwestern part of the U.S. It is not very healthy to run outside in sub-zero weather even with warm gear as you still have to breathe that freezing cold air. If you do not have access to cardio machines, there are still plenty of exercises out there that provide cardiovascular benefits. The following exercise, Squat Jumps, are very popular in many plyometrics workouts. Not only are they great for your core, quads, hamstrings,…

07 Jan 2014

We at CASS Fitness are excited to introduce a new category into our articles. We will be showcasing the exercise of the day! Today, we are showcasing a challenging lower ab exercise made famous on P90x. This exercise is called the Fifer Scissors. It can be grueling on its own, let alone as part of the Ab Ripper X DVD. However, it targets the lower abs very well and is something you need to ad to your abs and core arsenal. We sell a nice firm, comfortable mat here: Here…
