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06 Oct 2017

  As its name suggests, Acu-Yoga is a combination of two traditional Eastern healing methods acupressure and yoga. This unique self-healing technique can be mastered by anyone and by proper and regular practice it will undoubtedly regulate the flow of your chi energy and improve the quality of life.   Acu-Yoga was actually developed by a Westerner Michael Reed Gach, a best-selling author and an expert in the field of acupressure and other Asian bodywork. In order to better understand the concept of this technique, you should know a thing…

29 Sep 2017

You often use your feet for all the walking and running that you do every day. However, you also often neglect them when it comes to our health and beauty routines. It's essential to keep your feet and toenails in tip-top condition. You need to care for your feet and toenails by having good hygiene. Also, you should pamper them to heal soreness and callouses. Especially, get medical attention when necessary. Read the article to know how to care for your feet and toenails.     1. Practicing Good Hygiene…

22 Sep 2017

Physical fitness oftentimes feels more challenging the older you get, however, this does not mean that seniors should avoid it altogether or take the “easy way” out. Being over the age of 65, or a senior, opens a host of other exercise options, including exercise that is gentle and pleasurable. Pilates is becoming more popular amongst seniors as it perfectly fits the bill for gentle yet effective exercise. Here are some reasons why Pilates is the new exercise of choice for seniors:   Helps Strengthen the Bones   Roughly half…

08 Sep 2017

For many runners, athletic apparel is the last thing on their minds. Many of us grab an old T-shirt and shorts out of the drawer in a half-dark room, cram on the same pair of shoes we bought during the first Obama term, and then set out for our morning runs. After all, comfort is one of the benefits of running, and these things are comfortable. But there is a trade-off, and the risk involved in wearing old shoes is much higher than any comfortable feeling we get. Fundamentally, running…

03 Aug 2017

Back pain can be annoying, uncomfortable, and limiting for short periods of time, but if it goes away, no big deal right? Wrong. Chronic back pain that flares up repeatedly can lead to a host of negative  behaviors that can have serious consequences on your overall health and wellbeing. These include:   Inactivity   Back pain, especially lower back pain or neck and shoulder pain, can put anyone off physical exercise for a while. Resting more and avoiding exertion seems like the most plausible way to help your body heal,…

22 Jun 2017

Looking for that extra encouragement to help you or your loved one stay active in retirement? Regular fitness, even as little as 30 minutes a day, plays an important role in your health - not only helping your hearts, lungs, bones and muscles stay strong, but combating heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, even Alzheimer’s and dementia. Exercise is even more important as you age, but finding the energy and motivation to tackle routine fitness might escape you. Don’t miss these 4 creative tips for finding the incentive to get going. Dogs:…
