Our bodies need vitamins in small quantities to function properly. The handy infographic below by MedAlertHelp shows that the best source of vitamins is eating the right foods. Some of the foods you need to eat to attain all the vitamins include spinach, strawberries, liver, eggs, kale, salmon, broccoli, sunflower seeds, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, bananas, soybeans, carrots, and guavas. However, due to the fear of developing deficiencies, some people believe that supplementing their diet with multivitamins on a daily basis could help prevent them and even improve their…
When it comes to a good night’s sleep, some people will go to extreme lengths to ensure it goes ahead without disturbance. But, for others, sleep is not high on their list of priorities and some people can function on as little as a few hours per night. Here is a very quick look at some of the most bizarre sleeping habits among the rich and famous. Keep in mind that in the vast majority of cases these sleeping patterns are deliberately created routines. Regardless of the hour and…