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20 Sep 2021

Probiotics Hello friends, it’s been a while since I last posted but I’m now back with some new research and proud to let you in on a few new things that I’ve learned on this journey to optimal health.  As you all know, my daughter and husband have eczema, mostly on their legs and a few spots on their hands.  Since keeping a food diary, we were able to find out that they were both sensitive to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye.  While this may seem…

16 Mar 2021

Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance Part 2     So let's get down to business with my amazing discovery.  As I told you in part one, I found that every time I gave Jenna some bread or crackers, she would have a devastating breakout. Her skin would first become dry, then her back and belly would start to get tiny bumps over her skin.  She would tell me..” Mommy I’m itchy” while scratching her legs wildly, then go back to playing of course.  (Kids are amazing!) However, this would send…

18 Feb 2021

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16 Jan 2021

  Hello readers. Once again I'm coming to you with another article on my constant battle with eczema with my energetic daughter Jenna!   So the thing is...I'm under the impression that eczema flare ups are affected by the weather more intensely than I anticipated. As you all know, I do have a skin care method I use for my daughter that has served me well in the past, however I've noticed that with the change from warm temperature to cold, her skin is now beginning to need extra care. …

09 Sep 2020

By Jennice H. Spence [spacer height="20px"] Thank you for your consistent participation in this health blog. As a mother of two, this platform is used to uplift anyone who may be hurting from any health concerns they may have with their family. I specifically target causes and effects of eczema, but it’s clear that most of the tips can give insight and in some cases even resolution to most autoimmune diseases that plague the body. [spacer height="20px"] In my last two blogs I wrote about my favorite products to use…

27 Aug 2020

[spacer height="20px"] By: Jennice Hamilton Spence Welcome back to my blog, and as promised, I have the continuation of the last article discussing some of my favorite products to use while dealing with my daughter and my husband’s dry skin and eczema. In this article we will talk about some of my Don’ts and give you some reasonable explanations why I choose to keep away from these products. For the sake of the internet I would like to say that my statements are my opinions based on my observations and…

25 Jun 2020

  Welcome back to my blog. Maya Rose, our new little edition, is now 1 month old and doing well. Very fussy, but energetic and wonderful just the same. As always I like updating you all on my progress to clear skin for my whole family. Disclaimer!...this is not a product blog and I do not promote or tear down any brands on my platforms. However, I thought it was important as a parent to inform you of some of my recent observations, and any information given is a way…

23 Apr 2020

      by Jennice Spence March 22, 2020     Well, it officially happened. We are under a lock down. Schools and daycare centers are closed and all non essential personnel are working from home if they are able. The Coronavirus (COVID 19) strand has shut down the world, mostly China and Europe at first but now is affecting the United States. This is scary not because of how many cases are known in America, but the unknown symptoms and threat it has on various people in our community.…

09 Jan 2020

  Live Healthy One day at a Time     by Jennice H. Spence, Jan. 1st 2020 Hello again, and welcome to the new year. 2019 presented plenty of challenges and obstacles that have made my family and I stronger than ever.   This past year my family and I have been able to do so much more physically since Jenna's first birthday. Her independence has allowed Isaac and I to travel, go on more dates and keep with a strict To Do list. However, in the midst of everything…..we…

04 Jul 2019

Live Healthy one Day at A Time       It's been a few weeks and a lot has happened. Isaac has a new government job and on new medication for his eczema. Jenna celebrated her 1st birthday with family and friends and has gained her weight nicely at 20lbs! I am now the director of the Kid’s Club in Sterling VA and life is good for the most part. We are looking for a new apartment complex, and with all the changes, eating right and exercise have been difficult…
