03 Nov 2014

Are you looking for a workout to build your chest strength but do not have access to a bench press? What if you can do 40-50 push-ups without breaking a sweat? You need a challenge! Try the 30 Second Slow Burn Push-Up. We saw this first on DDP Yoga.

I decided to take this workout and run with it in so many different ways, including making it a part of an intense slow burn bodyweight workout. You count to 10 as you go downward in the eccentric phase. You hold the Push-Up for 10 more seconds just above the ground in an isometric static phase, then you slowly rise up in the concentric phase for 10 more seconds. This is a great way to shake up your workout and activate different muscles. These push-ups work not only your chest, but your core is activated as well. This is a video of myself doing the 30 Second Slow Burn Push-Up.

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