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25 Sep 2015

The Bicep Curl into Step Up is a compound exercise used in some of our fat burning routines for our one on one clients. When time is limited in the day and you need a full body workout and the cardio is not quite enough to help build the physique you have always wanted, here is a way to do so! Start off in front of a sturdy object (can be a bench at the gym or a park bench) and perform a Bicep Curl. Once you have performed the…

24 Sep 2015

The Push-Up is one of the most basic exercises. It is also one of the most effective and underrated exercises. Many people dismiss it because we would do them in grade school. The Push-Up can be incorporated into a very challenging workout. Not only is it excellent in building your chest, shoulders, and triceps, you can do the Push-Up practically anywhere, eliminating excuses that you could not get to a gym and therefore you were not able to workout. To do it correctly, lie prone on floor with your hands…

23 Sep 2015

The Lat Pulldown primarily targets the back. More specifically, the Lat Pulldown targets the Latissimus Dorsi or ‘lats’ muscles. It also works the lower and middle trapezius, the rhomboids, and the serratus anterior. The lats are powerful stabilizers for when you do exercises such as Squats and Deadlifts. With that being said, the Lat Pulldown is one of the best overall exercises you can do for your upper and mid back. Pay close attention to the instructions and the proper form demonstrated on the video. This exercise unfortunately is done…

23 May 2015

Are you looking to add some variety to your fat burning routine? Are you looking to build muscle while burning fat? Are you pressed for time? If you said, "Yes, Yes, Yes", not only do you sound like Daniel Bryan, you want something fun and challenging! The Bicep Curl into a Step Up is a compound exercise used in some of our fat burning routines we use for our clients. Check out the video demonstration by Matt Bible below, and read how to do this exercise! Start off in front…

22 Mar 2015

This is a video from our certified personal trainer, Richard Greene, while he was working with a group during his time working at Gold's Gym. He has a group of trainees, male and female performing dips and pull-ups. Take a look at this video here to see Richard's work. Richard motivates and trains one on one clients, couples, small groups, large groups, and he will modify the workouts to your abilities! Book him today at to jump start your results and get into the best shape of your life!…

22 Mar 2015

Here is a sample workout we created that we would like to share with you. In fact, I have been doing it the past three Sunday mornings. It's a great workout for those of you pressed for time. It is a timed superset workout. There are no breaks until you are done with the timed interval. Do as many sets as you can (with proper form) in the time allotted. Do one exercise, then immediately move to the next one. Once you go down the list of exercises, go right…

06 Mar 2015

I have recently received lots of questions regarding vegan options as far as protein powders. We also have clients with bodybuilding goals that also happen to be vegan or vegetarian. Traditionally, there were not a lot of good sources of protein for muscle recovery if you did not consume meat or whey protein. You were not going to sit and eat 10 servings of broccoli or six servings of legumes. Veggie burgers became very popular as an alternative. Even for a while, I consumed them on a regular basis, during…

03 Nov 2014

Are you looking for a workout to build your chest strength but do not have access to a bench press? What if you can do 40-50 push-ups without breaking a sweat? You need a challenge! Try the 30 Second Slow Burn Push-Up. We saw this first on DDP Yoga. I decided to take this workout and run with it in so many different ways, including making it a part of an intense slow burn bodyweight workout. You count to 10 as you go downward in the eccentric phase. You hold…

02 Nov 2014

Horizontal Pulls are one of our favorite exercises to prescribe to clients. They blast the upper and middle back muscles. They do a great job for your biceps too, especially if you use an underhand grip like you would for Chin-Ups. Horizontal Pulls are easier than Pull-Ups, and can be done in many different areas. Some of those areas include bars on a playground (like shown below with our client, Christine), the handles on a dip machine, arms of two treadmills side by side (don't do this during peak hours…

13 Oct 2014

Today we are going to show you one of my favorite exercises. If you want something to blast your latissimus dorsi, look no further than weighted pull-ups. Weighted pull-ups are ideal when doing 15-20 regular pull-ups becomes easier and easier. This exercise is fun, yet very challenging. Not a whole lot of people can do a regular pull-up with proper form, let alone a weighted pull-up. Not only are you working your upper back, but your biceps get a great workout (especially if you do the Chin-Up grip), as well…
