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08 Aug 2014

From childhood and into my twenties I endured scrutiny and criticism from others regarding my weight. There isn’t a name I haven’t been called or a fat joke I haven’t heard at my expense. When I was overweight the insults were many, the unwanted weight loss advice came in abundance, and there were plenty of folks ready and willing to monitor my every bite of food and shake their head in disapproval if I dare go for seconds. The solution to this problem in my mind was to lose all…

20 Jun 2014

I’m fat…. Let that sink in for a second.  It’s true I joke about it, but in reality I am, and it’s very unhealthy.  I’m 31 years old and I’m fat. I have no one to blame but myself.  I let myself get this way and I was ok with it.  I used to be an active person playing basketball and football regularly, and then one day I just stopped.  I would love to blame it on depression and a bad break up, but that was just the catalyst and…

28 Apr 2014

Protein is essential for helping with your muscle recovery, aiding in your strength training goals. It also keeps your appetite satisfied without having to consume a lot of calories, which in turn helps you to keep the unwanted pounds off of your body. Many of us have busy lives and cannot exactly cook high protein meals all the time. Eating on the run often results in consuming unhealthy foods, and in many instances, can cost way more money than preparing your foods at home. Luckily, there are many different styles…

17 Feb 2014

  This is a great, quick snack for any traveling personal trainer. We would also say this applies to anybody who has an occupation where they have to travel a lot, either locally or even nationwide. Eating out gets expensive and often it is not the healthiest option. We know almost everyone up north is sick of the cold weather, but one purpose it does serve is keeping perishable food nice and cold. You can keep this snack right in your trunk. This is a quick recipe anyone can do.…

26 Jan 2014

Cass Fitness is excited to introduce the addition of the newest member of our staff, Caleb Miner. Caleb is a personal trainer and expert nutritionist who will be providing advice on clean, healthy diets. Based in the New York City metropolitan area, Caleb has worked with all kinds of clients, utilizing his human physiology experience he gained in college. With his vast array of knowledge, years of experience, and a genuine passion for helping people make positive changes in their lives, Caleb is excited to work with you on setting…
