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13 Apr 2016

We are proud to announce our new one hour nutritional consultation option. In this one hour consultation, you will get a full breakdown of how to count calories and track macro nutrients. You will learn how to calculate your resting metabolism rate (RMR) and your lean body weight (LBW). Another thing you will learn is why carbs and proteins are represented it by the number 4 and why fats are represented by the number nine. You will see how that plays into your daily nutritional intake. We also will answer…

06 Feb 2016

Over the past two years there have been quite a few new protein bars which have less sugar, high amounts of fiber, and low calories released. A big reason is the higher demand of healthy bars without tons of added sugars, artificial flavors, sweeteners, and GMO soy. Quest bars exploded in the marketplace, now pretty much available almost anywhere. Many of the flavors taste great, and I do consume Quest bars. However, they are not a vegan product and some of them contain sucralose. I still do not understand why some contain stevia…

28 Jan 2016

Over the past year, one type of protein I have consumed quite regularly is MRM Veggie Protein.  I absolutely love the taste of both the vanilla and the chocolate flavors.  I like the chocolate flavor a little better.   In my quest to find non-soy, non-GMO vegan powders without artificial sweeteners, I stumbled upon MRM last year while browsing.  The price was reasonable and I figured I would give it a try. I always try to find new products for our clients to enjoy, making it easier in their health…

10 Jan 2016

Protein has a wide range of benefits from improving your muscle recovery, which is important for all fitness goals to keeping you full for a longer period of time, which is beneficial for weight loss goals. According to the USDA, the recommended amount of protein consumed daily 0.8 grams per pound of bodyweight. That number is acceptable for somebody who does not participate in strenuous activity. This means somebody who weights 150 lbs should consume 120 grams of protein per day. However, in an athletic program, whether you are losing…

02 Jan 2016

The daily recommended amount of water for a long time was 64 oz. (usually eight 8 oz. cups of water). However, in recent years, the recommended amount of water consumed in a day has increased.  In fact, I believe you should consume one gallon of water per day.  We are constantly losing water from our bodies, primarily from our urine and sweat.  In addition, we consume lots of fluids in addition to water, including protein powders, pre-workout formulas, creatine, coffee, and tea.  Anybody participating in a workout program should drink…

01 Oct 2015

It is pumpkin spice season everywhere. Starbucks has that little famous drink called the Pumpkin Spice Latte or PSL for short. They also can make it in frappucino form. Does it taste great? Of course it does. Only problem is, the calorie count is very high and drinks are full of added sugars. Unfortunately, frequent consumption of Pumpkin Spice Frappucinos or Lattes from Starbucks will not help you get those six pack of abs you want, no matter how much core work you do. So, what if you can enjoy…

06 Mar 2015

I have recently received lots of questions regarding vegan options as far as protein powders. We also have clients with bodybuilding goals that also happen to be vegan or vegetarian. Traditionally, there were not a lot of good sources of protein for muscle recovery if you did not consume meat or whey protein. You were not going to sit and eat 10 servings of broccoli or six servings of legumes. Veggie burgers became very popular as an alternative. Even for a while, I consumed them on a regular basis, during…

14 Sep 2014

Summer is here and hopefully your children are involved in a plethora of physical activities from organized sports, to swimming lessons, or just playing around the neighborhood with friends. These activities are all great ways to keep you children active over the summer and ensure that they are getting the exercise they need. With that being said, an important aspect of physical activity is making sure your children are properly hydrated and well nourished. Like adults, children’s bodies are significantly water based, as humans our bodies are anywhere from 50%…

07 Sep 2014

We have been researching and trying several different plant based protein powder options within the past couple of weeks. Even though Whey Protein is one of the best proteins for your post workout, unfortunately a lot of people's stomachs cannot tolerate it because they may not be able to handle dairy. I personally can only handle a small amount. While I can consume whey protein after my workout, I have to switch to plant based proteins throughout the rest of the day. One of the first ones we came across…

13 Aug 2014

CASS Fitness is proud to announce we are sponsoring an up and coming bodybuilder who will be competing in the 2015 Mr. Pittsburgh contest. Doug Connor is no ordinary bodybuilder. He has a story behind him. Standing at 5'6, Doug once weighed 230lbs., Doug was not in top shape even though he was a consummate athlete. Doug competitively participated in football, basketball, and was even a track star. He had noticed that he had fallen off of his exercise and healthy eating routine the past few years. That fact combined…
