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19 May 2016

Over the next few weeks, I will show you how I shake up cardio and utilize it as a fat loss and strength training combination. I lift weights four to five times a week, and I work out five to six times a week. Usually Tuesdays are a good cardio day for me. Mondays have recently consisted of supersets with biceps and triceps often taking no breaks except to go to my next group of exercises. I finish off with running speed work mainly outdoors when the weather is nice.…

03 May 2016

If you train with a CASS Fitness trainer, you more than likely have experienced a battle ropes routine with one of us if we have enough space to set them up. You may also see my videos or Instagram posts with the Battle Ropes. Why do I like them so much? Here are a few reasons why they have popped up in many CASS Fitness workouts, including the regular routines of our trainers: Battle Ropes are an excellent tool to spice up your cardio and strength routine, no matter what…

24 Apr 2016

CASS Fitness would like to give a warm welcome to Adrian Nicotra. He is our newest certified personal trainer. Adrian is an NASM Certified Personal Trainer and he is currently working on his NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist certification. Adrian lives in Alexandria, VA. He trains in Alexandria, Arlington, Falls Church, Tysons, McLean, and Vienna. He specializes in strength training, corrective exercise, fat loss, weight loss, and bodybuilding. Adrian is an excellent motivator to his clients inside and outside of the sessions. He inspires them to be their very best and…

22 Apr 2016

The Bird Dog or the Alternating Quadruped Opposite Arm/Opposite Leg Raise is an exercise to help strengthen your lower back, abs, and glutes. It is a low impact exercise that frequently is used to help relieve lower back pain and to help prevent it from happening in the first place. Instructions: Place yourself in a prone position with both hands and knees on the ground. Your hands are directly beneath your shoulders and your knees are directly beneath your hips. Keep your core tight and maintain a neutral alignment in…

13 Apr 2016

We are proud to announce our new one hour nutritional consultation option. In this one hour consultation, you will get a full breakdown of how to count calories and track macro nutrients. You will learn how to calculate your resting metabolism rate (RMR) and your lean body weight (LBW). Another thing you will learn is why carbs and proteins are represented it by the number 4 and why fats are represented by the number nine. You will see how that plays into your daily nutritional intake. We also will answer…

15 Mar 2016

Here is a quick five minute CASS Fitness ab routine that will challenge you. Now, I am not going to say some nonsense like this will get you ripped. Remember, proper nutrition and exercise will get you there. However, core strength is built through ab routines like this. Core strength is something all CASS Fitness personal trainers preach and implement heavily in our workouts. Your core is the most important part of your body. Do not ignore and skip your core workouts! You will do each of the ab exercises…

23 Jan 2016

Well for everybody out here on the east coast, you may not need us to remind you are snowed in today! However, that does not mean you cannot get a great workout in. This workout can be done with just a mat or thick carpet. All you need is some motivation, good music, and your bodyweight! However, weights are optional if you have them. We strongly encourage you to use them! This is our SNOWED IN WORKOUT! Start off with the warm-up as pictured below: Do each exercise back to…

19 Jan 2016

Wide Grip Pull-Ups are one of the best exercises to help you build width and strength to your back. Below are the instructions on how to do them, along with a demo video. 1.) Step onto a block, a stack of plates, or anything you can find that will help you reach the bar. Jumping is not recommended for the Wide Grip Pull-Up since it can put a lot of strain on your shoulders. 2.) Use an overhand grip, wider than your shoulders to make it a "wide grip". 3.)…

17 Jan 2016

What will you do to reach your goals? How badly do you want to reach them? I ask my clients these questions quite often. I ask myself these questions as well. As far as clients, I provide a training plan on how we will go about reaching those goals. Every person is unique. What works for one person may not work for somebody else. Every person has a various set of obstacles they have to work around. Some obstacles can be stressful and time consuming such as unexpected overtime at…

13 Dec 2015

Over the next few weeks, we will focus on some intense bodyweight exercises as well as progressions to doing a Pull-Up or a Chin-Up. There is always the question, "How much do you bench?" I should ask, "How many strict form Pull-Ups or Chin-Ups can you do?" Those exercises are much more difficult. While, bench pressing a higher amount is what a lot of us, including myself strive for, the fact is anybody can bench if they do not have injuries prohibiting them from doing so, whether you are pressing…
