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20 Aug 2017

Harder, bigger, faster, stronger… you could easily count these as typical fitness goals. But how do you work on growing your muscles while also managing to build your stamina and endurance? Finding a balance between the two can be difficult — but it’s certainly not impossible.   One of the most common concerns is that, by focusing on both strength and endurance, you’re diluting your ability to excel at either. While this is a valid concern, plenty of recent research has suggested that concurrent training regimes (i.e, those that involve…

10 Aug 2017

I have a feeling that like most of us, you at always thinking of ways to embrace the great outdoors and have some fun while keeping fit at the same time. It goes without saying that we all should get out more often and just become adventure junkies. Well kayaking is one awesome way to have fun and enjoy immense health benefits!  Do you want concrete reasons why you should get into the waters more often? Here are 9 awesome health benefits of Kayaking.    Benefit of kayaks on health:…

20 Jul 2017

It does not matter how old you are and what is your body shape, the following are the five of the best exercises you can ever do and of course they bring countless benefits for you. Have a look at them:   Swimming     Swimming is one of the greatest exercises you can do in your lifetime. Swimming comes with a huge number of advantages, and this is the reason behind why it is so special. It involves an intense work out for your arms and legs, and it…

20 Jul 2017

Exercise is a great way to work the muscles, use sugar stored in the body, and to help regulate body weight. However, working out in the gym can be monotonous at times. This is where the swimming pool comes into play.   Water-based exercises are easy on the joints. You can also get a better workout in the water due to the increased resistance and surface area of the water compared to the air. So, here are 5 in-water exercises that will help you stay fit:   1. Jogging. Many…

19 Feb 2017

If you are just joining me here, read and to get caught up to speed. In the last installment, we left off at my progress at the end of 2012. Fast forward a few months, and I embarked on my journey to become a personal trainer.  I had some professional setbacks along with a larger desire to enjoy a career in the fitness industry, and help others with weight loss, strength training, and injury recovery. I knew I also needed to teach people Squats and Deadlifts without hurting…

09 Feb 2017

This is a review of an app called Pact. It would be great to be paid for what you love...or "hate" to do. Well, you can finally! However, the payout will not exactly get you that Lamborghini you have been dreaming about. What this app does very well is hold you accountable. Each week you can set pacts such as how many times you go to the gym, how many fruits and veggies you eat, and tracking your food with myfitnesspal. You can do one, two, or all three. I…

11 Dec 2016

Our certified personal trainer, Deonte Toliver demonstrates this TRX Plyo Single Leg Lunge, which is an advanced move he has had his football clients and players perform. This is also an excellent exercise to help build full body strength and torch body fat! For more information about Deonte, check out his profile at You can also book Deonte for one on one sessions in the Washington, DC area or online sessions anywhere you have a computer connection! Watch the full video demo below!

25 Oct 2016

We are excited to bring to you a truly accurate and detailed body composition analysis with the InBody Body Composition Analyzer. Get the accurate results from the analyzer many professional bodybuilders use. You do not have to be a bodybuilder to use the InBody Body Composition Analysis device, however. The information you will receive is beneficial to your health. You see the whole picture, not just your body fat percentage number. Your health is your most important asset! Handheld devices tend not to always be 100% accurate. Caliper testing is…

16 Sep 2016

A very common question I come across is whether exercise or nutrition is more important for weight loss.  Well, the answer has multiple parts. In short, nutrition has more impact. It is easier to reduce 500-700 calories in your diet than it is to burn 500-700 calories in a workout right away unless you are a little more advanced in your physical abilities. In addition, with the busy schedule of most people (career, commute, children), it can be tricky fitting in exercise as often as you want to. However, it…

07 Sep 2016

I will never forget June 17, 2011. I fell down on the ground of the house I was living in at the time after I got up from the couch I sat on. I had such a constant sharp pain in my lower back, I could not walk. I crawled to my car, then started it, and I peeled out of the driveway.  The pain increased every moment I was seated, and I was stuck in DC area rush hour traffic on my way to the urgent care on top…
