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03 Sep 2019

Candida, the scientific name for yeast, is responsible for one of the most common forms of infections in human beings. This organism naturally lives in the mouth and intestines and aids the digestive function. But when their number grows excessively, you may experience a leaky gut and several other health issues. If you come across digestive issues, oral thrush, genital infections, seasonal allergies, and mood swings persistently, you are probably suffering from Candida overgrowth.   When you experience such symptoms, you must see a doctor immediately and start the right…

11 Aug 2019

  Image by pexels   Did you know that sleep is just as important to our health as diet and exercise? While the importance of sleep seems to be taken lightly, it’s well known within the medical community that sleep is a critical determinant of both physical health and mental well-being.   Why is Sleep Important?   While most think of sleep as a time of rest, it is actually a restorative process our body undergoes to ensure that all its organs continue to function properly. During the five stages…

30 Jul 2019

If you are a vegetarian and are curious about the keto diet, you can experience this lifestyle too! It is entirely possible to not eat meat and still follow a keto lifestyle. So if you’re already on the keto diet and are thinking about giving up meat, you can do that too! However, you need to be aware of how to do it properly to avoid potential health issues. The vegetarian keto diet will help you feel like you have more energy and feel better overall.     Photo by…

22 Jul 2019

Sleep is essential for our body to function at its best. It affects our emotional, mental and physical state so profoundly that a lack of sleep can be dangerous. When we are sleep deprived it’s hard to focus and concentrate, stay calm and be patient, make good choices and feel happy. Consistent insomnia can lead to creeping weight gain and make us more prone to heart problems. Because sleep is so essential to human functioning, making the time to understand how to get the best sleep is worthwhile endeavor.  …

04 Jul 2019

Live Healthy one Day at A Time       It's been a few weeks and a lot has happened. Isaac has a new government job and on new medication for his eczema. Jenna celebrated her 1st birthday with family and friends and has gained her weight nicely at 20lbs! I am now the director of the Kid’s Club in Sterling VA and life is good for the most part. We are looking for a new apartment complex, and with all the changes, eating right and exercise have been difficult…

16 Jun 2019

Source:   In today’s busy world, people are sacrificing a lot to accomplish everything they need to do – their social life, their health, but most of all, their sleep. In fact, about 30% of adults are getting less than seven hours of sleep a day. Since the 1980s, the percentage of adults getting less than six hours of sleep has increased by more than 30%. Another thing that has grown over time is the rate of obesity.   While these two things are not necessarily correlated, there are…

10 Jun 2019

Steroids are an artificial form of chemicals, which are designed to function like hormones that are made naturally in the human body. They work remarkably by helping the organs, cells, and tissues to function correctly. The human body requires a healthy balance of steroids to grow, procreate, and to conduct their daily tasks with least struggle. However, long-term and non-medical uses of synthetic steroids are incredibly unhealthy. They are connected to unwanted physical changes, heart complications, and aggression. Studies have shown that individuals who suddenly discontinue using steroids after long…

06 Jun 2019

The ketogenic diet, otherwise known as the keto diet, is becoming increasingly popular. If people are motivated to lose weight for various reasons, it may be important to investigate what the ketogenic diet is and how it can benefit people.   What is a ketogenic diet? Ketogenic diets are low-carb, high-fat diets that incorporate lean protein, healthy sources of fat, and fiber. There are different types of keto diets, all with different guidelines and restrictions. People who follow keto regimens are instructed to avoid processed carbohydrates such as pasta, white…

06 Jun 2019

Image   Arthritis is a physical condition that affects individuals of all ages. Arthritis causes bone or joint deformity, damages the cartilage in the joints, and comes in different ways. Some of the diseases people suffer from, such as fibromyalgia, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis, among others are just forms of arthritis. The condition causes tenderness, stiffness, and pain in the joints.   Marijuana has become the next significant invention in the medical world with its health benefits. These benefits extend to the treatment of arthritis. If suffering from this…

22 May 2019

Addiction recovery and a new wellness routine may sometimes seem like two different endeavors to take on at a time. There is extensive physical and mental effort required to move forward from addiction and create new healthy habits, so why attempt both at the same time? Holistic addiction treatment for addiction recovery is based on the re-learning of new thought processes that support healthier habits than the ones leading up to an addiction. By supplementing your addiction recovery with holistic healthy habit change, you can support your new mental patterns…
