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20 Jul 2017

Exercise is a great way to work the muscles, use sugar stored in the body, and to help regulate body weight. However, working out in the gym can be monotonous at times. This is where the swimming pool comes into play.   Water-based exercises are easy on the joints. You can also get a better workout in the water due to the increased resistance and surface area of the water compared to the air. So, here are 5 in-water exercises that will help you stay fit:   1. Jogging. Many…

11 May 2017

Earlier this week, we came across an excellent article on MyFitnessPal, which listed 67 Science Backed Weight Loss Strategies. From the list, we came up with some of our favorite numbers. I personally have used many of these strategies, and I recommend them to my clients. There are some new ones on here as well that I will share with my clients and everybody reading this article. Here are some that personally helped me out and have helped out my clients. 7. Prioritize your pantry - It is recommended to…

17 Feb 2017

Good evening everyone! In between the last time we talked, I made a video on how to make gluten-free pizza you can check it out on the CASS Fitness Facebook page. Now some of you left me comments about my gluten-free bread article. Some of you said Isaac, you're not being fair to gluten-free bread. It's not that bad. You might not know how to prepare it.   So in light of these comments, I tried gluten-free bread again. It was still disgusting! So people please spare me your alternative…

03 Feb 2017

Hello everyone! Today we will take a break from my gluten-free journey to talk about shopping while being gluten-free. Now I don't know about some of you, but I like Costco, BJ's and Sam's Club. The reason I like these places is because I eat 4 to 5 meals a day which helps me reach my caloric intake goals. Or in other words I eat a hell of a lot food.   A while back my nutritional coach and The head wellness coach of CASS Fitness Ms. Carmen Griggs. Along…

25 Oct 2016

We are excited to bring to you a truly accurate and detailed body composition analysis with the InBody Body Composition Analyzer. Get the accurate results from the analyzer many professional bodybuilders use. You do not have to be a bodybuilder to use the InBody Body Composition Analysis device, however. The information you will receive is beneficial to your health. You see the whole picture, not just your body fat percentage number. Your health is your most important asset! Handheld devices tend not to always be 100% accurate. Caliper testing is…

14 Jun 2016

  Americans have become obsessed with the idea of eliminating all fats everywhere. I ran across a shampoo a few weeks ago claiming it contained no “harmful fats”. Seriously folks – never forget that you are a mammal, a convoluted evolutionary algorithm whose input determines your output. Fats exist, in the most basic form, as an energy source for organs, both in functional and survival senses. In addition to assisting the body in the absorption of base nutrients, production of hormones, and promotion of HDL cholesterol (beneficial, also known as…

19 May 2016

Over the next few weeks, I will show you how I shake up cardio and utilize it as a fat loss and strength training combination. I lift weights four to five times a week, and I work out five to six times a week. Usually Tuesdays are a good cardio day for me. Mondays have recently consisted of supersets with biceps and triceps often taking no breaks except to go to my next group of exercises. I finish off with running speed work mainly outdoors when the weather is nice.…

24 Apr 2016

CASS Fitness would like to give a warm welcome to Adrian Nicotra. He is our newest certified personal trainer. Adrian is an NASM Certified Personal Trainer and he is currently working on his NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist certification. Adrian lives in Alexandria, VA. He trains in Alexandria, Arlington, Falls Church, Tysons, McLean, and Vienna. He specializes in strength training, corrective exercise, fat loss, weight loss, and bodybuilding. Adrian is an excellent motivator to his clients inside and outside of the sessions. He inspires them to be their very best and…

28 Jan 2016

Over the past year, one type of protein I have consumed quite regularly is MRM Veggie Protein.  I absolutely love the taste of both the vanilla and the chocolate flavors.  I like the chocolate flavor a little better.   In my quest to find non-soy, non-GMO vegan powders without artificial sweeteners, I stumbled upon MRM last year while browsing.  The price was reasonable and I figured I would give it a try. I always try to find new products for our clients to enjoy, making it easier in their health…

17 Jan 2016

What will you do to reach your goals? How badly do you want to reach them? I ask my clients these questions quite often. I ask myself these questions as well. As far as clients, I provide a training plan on how we will go about reaching those goals. Every person is unique. What works for one person may not work for somebody else. Every person has a various set of obstacles they have to work around. Some obstacles can be stressful and time consuming such as unexpected overtime at…
